In vitro antioxidant activities of n-butanol extract of Helianthemum confertum


  • Radja Djebbari Université Constantine1 Algeria Departement de Biologie Animale, Faculté Des Sciences de la Nature ET de la Vie, Université Constantine 1, Route d’ Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Yasmine Chemam Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Amel Amrani Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Soumia Lassed Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Nassima Boubekri Boubekri Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Nassima Boubekri Boubekri Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Djamila Zama Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Fadila Benayache Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie
  • Samir Benayache Université Constantine1 Algeria Unité de Recherche Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles, Molécules Bioactives, Analyses Physicochimiques et Biologiques (VARENBIOMOL), , Route d’Aïn El Bey, 25000 Constantine, Algérie


Helianthemum confertum, antioxidants, DPPH, Lipid peroxidation, Free radical scavenging capacity


Antioxidants play an important role to protect damage caused by oxidative stress. Plants having phenolic contents are reported to possess antioxidant properties. The basic aim of this research was to investigate the antioxidant properties of n-butanol extract of Helianthemum confertum, Cistaceae family. The antioxidant activities and phenolic contents of n-butanol extract were evaluated in vitro using spectrophotometer methods. There antioxidant activities were determined by DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazine) radical scavenging assay and lipid peroxidation inhibition by TBARS method. Antioxidant activities were compared to ascorbic acid. Measurement of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids content of the n-butanol extract of Helianthemum confertum were achieved using Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and AlCl3 respectively. The results showed that this extract containing 263.33±19.85µg of gallic acid equivalents/mg extract of total phenolic and 25.35±3.15µg of quercetin equivalents/mg extract total flavonoids.


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How to Cite

Radja Djebbari, Yasmine Chemam, Amel Amrani, Soumia Lassed, Nassima Boubekri Boubekri, Nassima Boubekri Boubekri, Djamila Zama, Fadila Benayache, Samir Benayache. In vitro antioxidant activities of n-butanol extract of Helianthemum confertum. ijp [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];7(1):119-22. Available from:



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