Treatment with Green Tea Prevents Intracerebroventricular Streptozotocin Induced Cognitive Impairment and Oxidative Stress in Mice


  • Arun Kumar Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhimtal campus, Kumaun University, Bhimtal- 263136, Nainaital, Uttarkhand, India.
  • Alka N Choudhary Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhimtal campus, Kumaun University, Bhimtal- 263136, Nainaital, Uttarkhand, India.
  • Vijay Juyal Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhimtal campus, Kumaun University, Bhimtal- 263136, Nainaital, Uttarkhand, India.


Hippocampus, degenerative disease, green tea


Green tea polyphenols have demonstrated significant antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and antidiabetic in numerous human, animal and in vitro studies. Hence present study was design to evaluate the influence of green tea in streptozotocin induced oxidative stress in mice. Morris water maze, Elevated plus maze and passive avoidance apparatus was used for the evaluation of learning and memory. Brain thiobarbituric acid reactive substance was also estimated. Intracerebroventricular administration of streptozotocin reduces the learning and memory and increase the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance in mice. Green tea significantly improves the learning and memory and reverses the increase thiobarbituric acid reactive substance concentration in mice. The result of present study indicates that green tea improve the learning and memory. It also reduces the streptozotocin induced oxidative stress.


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How to Cite

Arun Kumar, Alka N Choudhary, Vijay Juyal. Treatment with Green Tea Prevents Intracerebroventricular Streptozotocin Induced Cognitive Impairment and Oxidative Stress in Mice. ijp [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];2(2):108-15. Available from:



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