Fave et al.
Potential antioxidant and hypoglycaemic
effect of the flower extract of Bougainvillea
spectabilis Willd. (Nyctaginaceae)
Tata Yohanna Fave
, Hafsat Ali Sa’ab
, Abdulkadir Bukar Bababe
, Muhammad Mustapha Hassan
Wazis Chama Haruna
and Cletus Anes Ukwubile
The study evaluated the antioxidant and hypoglycaemic potentials of the ethanol flower extract of Bougainvillea spectabilis. Flower
extract of B. spectabilis were obtained by cold maceration method. The preliminary phytochemical screening and hypoglycaemic
effect were carried out using standard methods. Antioxidant screening was carried out using DPPH antioxidant assay test. Five
rats were used for each group; normal control, standard control, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w. doses of the crude ethanol flower
extract of B. spectabilis to test hypoglycaemic effect in alloxan induced diabetic rats. Blood glucose levels were measured at dif-
ferent time intervals. The preliminary phytochemical Screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, strerols, terpenoids,
flavonoids and carbohydrates. The crude ethanol fraction demonstrated least antioxidant activity while the chloroform fraction
showed the highest antioxidant activity followed by hexane fraction. The ethanol flower extract showed a significant dose depen-
dent hypoglyceamic effect after 24 hours of administration. Of the doses tested, highest hypoglycaemic effect was observed by
the ethanol flower extract of the dose 400 mg/kg at 24 hours. The findings revealed that non-polar fractions have more antioxi-
dant activity than the polar fractions while the ethanol flower extract of Bougainvillea spectabilis possess a delayed hypoglycaemic
Keywords: Alloxan; antioxidant; Bougainvillea spectabilis; DPPH; hyperglycaemia
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease characterised by
hyperglycaemia which occur due to inherited and/or acquired
deficiency in insulin production or utilization by the beta cells
of the pancreas [1]. Hyperglycaemia often result to the classic
symptoms such as excessive; urination (polyuria), thirst (poly-
dipsia), eating (polyphagia) as well as blurred vision, weight
loss, neuropathy and retinopathy. The consequences of uncon-
trolled diabetes often ensue to diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic aci-
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.
dosis, hyper-osmolar non-ketotic with subsequent progressive
metabolic complications and organ damage particularly in the
blood vessels and nerves [2] [3]. Decrease of antioxidant activity
in diabetes is usually accompanied by increased production of
free radicals or oxidative stress due hyperglycaemia [4] [5]. Hy-
perhylcaemia produces super-oxide anions and hydroxyl radical
which results in protein glycation and peroxidation of membrane
lipids which adversely damages the biomolecules. Excessive
production of oxidants (Reactive oxygen or nitrogen species) in
the body escalate the harmful effect of the free radicals which are
often associated with the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases
such as diabetes [6]. Antioxidants prevent the free radical me-
diated damages by scavenging them and hereby protecting from
oxidative stress [4]. Many medicinal plants possess strong an-
International Journal of Phytomedicine
Received: 29 Nov 2020, Accepted:14 Mar 2021
tioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities that are essential
in the prevention and treatment of some of the chronic diseases
(cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity and neurode-
generative diseases) caused by oxidative stress [7] .
According to the reports of International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the estimated
global prevalence of diabetes for adult between the ages of 20
and 79 in year 2015 was 415 million with about 1.5 million an-
nual deaths directly attributed to diabetes [8] [9] and by the year
2030, 438 million people are expected to have diabetes glob-
ally [10]. According to reports of WHO, people living with di-
abetes in Africa increased from 4 million to 25 million between
1980 and 2014. In Nigeria, there were about 1,702,900 cases of
diabetes in 2015 with prevalence rate estimated at 4.7% [8] [11].
The increased prevalence of the disease could be associated with
population growth, ageing, unhealthy diets, obesity and seden-
tary lifestyles [12] .
The mainstay approach to treatment of diabetes mellitus is
pharmacological (oral hypoglycaemic drugs and insulin) and
non-pharmacological (dietary modification and physical activ-
ity). The conventional oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin
are associated with some setbacks in many developing coun-
tries due to unavailability, inaccessibility, unaffordability and
low quality of these drugs. Secondary failure rates and adverse
effects like hypoglycaemia of insulin, haematological disorders
and rise in hepatic enzyme level are other challenges with the
use of these drugs [13]. Therefore, many have resort to the use of
plant species identified with hypoglycaemic activity in the form
of crude extracts, decoction, infusion or tincture to treat this dis-
ease which is becoming wide and common practice in many de-
veloping countries where their primary health care needs depend
largely on traditional medicines [14] [15]. However, searching
for new antidiabetic drugs from natural products still continues
because they contain substances which demonstrate alternative
and safe effects on diabetes mellitus [16], which can be used
in management of diabetes alone or in combination with ortho-
dox/conventional antidiabetic drugs.
B. spectabilis Wild used in this study is commonly known
as bougainvillea, great bougainvillea (family: Nyctaginaceae
Genus: bougainvillea). B. spectabilis was reported to possess
various biological activities which include; hypoglycaemic,
cholesterol lowering effect, antibacterial, nematocidal, an-
tifeedant and insecticidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory ac-
tivities were reported of B. spectabilis [17].
Materials and methods
Drugs and chemicals
Alloxan monohydrate (Kem Light Laboratories PVT. LTD),
ethanol (JHD), insulin (M.J. Biopharm Private Limited)
Collection and identification of plant materials
The flowers of B. spectabilis were freshly collected in the morn-
ing in November 2018 from Faculty of Science, University of
Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State. The plant material was
identified by a taxonomist, Prof. S.S. Sanusi in the Department
of Biological Science University of Maiduguri Borno State and
was deposited with an herbarium number UM/FPH/14a/001/001
for future studies and reference.
Preparation and extraction of the plant material
The flowers of B. spectabilis collected were shed-dried at room
temperature for seven days and powdered using wooden pestle
and mortar. The weight of Powdered material used for extraction
was 900 g. the obtained and stored in an air tight glass container
at room temperature. The Powdered plant material was extracted
with 95% ethanol (JHD) using cold maceration method of ex-
traction. The powdered plant material (0.9 kg) was soaked in five
(5) litres of 95% ethanol (JHD) in a bottle and kept for 72hours
with occasional agitation. After 72 hours, the mixture was fil-
tered through a glass funnel using Whatman’s filter paper. The
filtrate obtained was concentrated with a reduced pressure in a
rotary evaporator and allowed to dry. The percentage yield for
the extract was then calculated using the formula below:
Percentage yield (%) =
weight of extract
weight of powdered plant material
x 100
The crude ethanol extract of B. spectabilis was stored in an
air tight container for the study.
Stock solutions of the reference drug (Biosulin) and the ex-
tract were prepared in this study by dissolving a known quantity
in specified volume of distilled water for administrations.
Extraction using solvent partitioning involves primarily the use
of two immiscible solvents in a separating funnel. Twenty grams
(30g) the ethanol extract was dissolved 300 mLof distilled wa-
ter. It was then transferred to the separation funnel; the resulting
solution is extracted with an equal volume of n-hexane usually
three times, to give a fraction containing nonpolar compounds.
The solution (suspension) was further partitioned with chloro-
form, and n-butanol successively to give fractions containing
mid-polar and polar compounds respectively. The fractions from
this process were then concentrated using a rotary evaporator
and allowed to try.
Fave et al.: International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2021;13(1):009-015
Phytochemical Screening
The ethanol flower extract of Bougainvillea spectabilis was
used for phytochemical screening using the standard methods
of [18] [19].
Experimental animals
Healthy albino rats of both sexes weighing (150-280g) were used
in this study. The rats were obtained from the animal house of the
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Phar-
macy, University of Maiduguri, Borno State. The animals were
housed in clean cages embedded with saw dust and were allowed
to get acclimatized to the laboratory environment for seven (7)
days under controlled environmental condition of room temper-
ature, and had free access to food and water ad libitum before
they were used for the study.
Acute Toxicity
The acute toxicity (LD
) of the ethanol flower extract of B.
spectabilis was determined using modified Lorke’s method [20],
which was adopted in this study to evaluate the acute toxicity
in Wistar strain albino rats under standard conditions as the an-
imals were allowed free access to food and water. The animals
(n=2 per dose) were fasted for four (4) hours prior to the experi-
ment oral administration of the extract. In phase I, Animals were
orally administered the extract at the doses of 10, 100 and 1000
mg/Kg and observed for mortality and signs of toxicity within
the first 24 hours. When death was not record in phase II af-
ter 24 hours, furthermore, another group of animals were given
1600, 2900 and 5000 mg/kg of the extract in the phase II.
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity
Scavenging activity of di- phenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radi-
cals of the plant extracts were measured according to the method
described by Krishna [21]. Assays was performed in 3 mL re-
action mixtures containing 2.0 mL of 0.1 mM DPPH-methanol
solution, 0.9 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4), and 0.1
mL of deionized H
O (as control) or test plant extracts. After 30
minutes of incubation at room temperature, absorbance of the
reaction mixtures at 517 nm was taken. The inhibitory effect of
DPPH was calculated according to the formula below:
Inhibition (%) =
(Abs of control ˘ Abs of sample)
Abs of control
x 100
represents the level where 50% of the radicals would be
scavenged by test samples.
Induction of experimental diabetes and Anti-diabetic effects
of B. spectabilis
Thirty rats weighing between (150 and 289 g) were grouped into
six groups each containing five rats. The animals were fasted
overnight and their baseline blood glucose level was measured
prior to the induction of diabetes. Group I received normal saline
which was used as normal control (NC) while groups II-VI re-
ceived single dose of intraperitoneal injection of alloxan mono-
hydrate (Kem Light Laboratories PVT. LTD) dissolved in dis-
tilled water at the dose of 150mg/kg to induce experimental dia-
betes in the animals. The blood glucose of the animals was mea-
sured at the interval of 24 hours. After 72 hours of alloxan ad-
ministration, the glucose levels of the rats were greater than 200
mg/dl. Those with blood glucose level greater than 200mg/kg
were considered diabetic and used for this study.
After induction of diabetes, the animals in each group were
treated. Group I which served as the normal control group was
orally administered 2 mL/kg of normal saline, while the dia-
betic rats in group II used as diabetic control received no treat-
ment. Group III which served as the positive control, received
0.75 IU/kg of soluble insulin (M.J. Biopharm Private Limited)
through intraperitoneal route. The diabetic rats in Groups IV, V
and VI were treated with 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of ethanol
crude flower extract of Bougainvillea spectabilis respectively.
The blood glucose of all the experimental animals were period-
ically measured after 1, 3, 6, 9, 24 and 48 hours using Accu-
check active glucometer Roche Diabetes Care GmbH 68305
Mannheim, Germany. The code on the glucometer was set to
correspond with that on the glucometer strips. This is to avoid
errors and to ensure accuracy of the results. The tail of each rat
was pricked with lancet and a drop of blood was collected on
the strip then inserted into the glucometer and readings on the
screen of the glucometer were recorded in mg/dl.
Statistical Analysis
Data obtained from this study were analysed using one-way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to determine the relationship
between the variables means using Statistical Package for So-
cial Sciences (SPSS) version 16 and the results were expressed
as mean and standard error of the mean (Mean±SEM). The p-
Value<0.05 is considered significant.
Percentage yield and phytochemical constituents of
ethanol crude flower extract of B. Spectabilis
The percentage yield of the ethanol crude flower extract of B.
Spectabilis was 8.53% obtained from 900g of powdered mate-
rial with a characteristics colour of dark brown and a smooth
texture. The extract showed the presence of cardiac glycosides,
saponins, anthraquinones, triterpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, and
carbohydrates, however tannin was not present (Tables 1 and 2).
Fave et al.: International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2021;13(1):009-015
Acute Toxicity Study
The oral acute toxicity study of the crude ethanol flower extract
of B.spectabilis was determined using Lorke’s method and there
were no death of the animals recorded in both phases of the study
at the different doses used. Thus, the LD
of the crude extract
was found to be greater than 5000 mg/kg body weight (Table 3).
Antioxidant Activities of the Various Fractions of the
Flower Extract B. Spectabilis
The fractions of the flower extract of B. Spectabilis exhibited
antioxidant activity in a concentration dependant manner with
the highest dose at 100 µg/mL and the least at 6.25 µg/mL. The
chloroform fraction exhibited the most scavenging activity with
an IC
of 43.8 µg/mL followed by the n-hexane fraction with an
of 43.8 µg/mL. The n-butanol fraction exhibited the least
scavenging activity (IC
of 159.3 µg/mL). These scavenging
activities are however not comparable to standard drug ascorbic
acid (IC
of 41 µg/mL) (Table 4).
Effect of ethanol crude flower extract of B.
Spectabilis on blood glucose level in Alloxan i
nduced diabetic rats
The result of this study showed that alloxan was able to induce
hyperglycaemia after 72 hours of intraperitoneal administration
in the rats besides the normal control (NC) group that received
normal saline. A progressive increase in the blood glucose level
of the extract treated groups was observed in all the doses at 1,
3 and 6 hours after the oral administration of the crude extract
except the dose of 400 mg/kg at 6 hours compared to the normal
control. The rise in blood glucose level of the extract treated rats
was highly significant after treatment compared to the insulin
A remarkable and significant reduction in the blood glucose
levels were observed at all doses of the ethanol crude extract af-
ter 24 hours of oral administration. The decrease in the blood
glucose level was not significant (p>0.05) in comparison with
standard insulin (positive control). The reduction in the blood
glucose levels of the extract treated rats at 24 hours of admin-
istration were dose dependent and significantly lower as com-
pared to the diabetic control (p<0.05). The moderate dose of the
ethanol crude extract sustained reduction in the blood glucose
level up to 48 hours of administration. A progressive increase
in the blood glucose level was observed in the diabetic control
group (DC). The standard drug (insulin) demonstrated a highly
significant hypoglyceamic effect at 1, 3 and 6 hours of adminis-
tration in the alloxan induced diabetic rats compared to the crude
extract treated groups (p<0.05). However, there was no statisti-
cally significant difference in the hypoglyceamic effect of in-
sulin and that of the ethanol crude flower extract of Bougeinvil-
lea spectabilis at 24 hours of administration as insulin started to
lose its effect gradually with time (table 5).
Table 1 Percentage yield and physical characteristics of the extract
Extraction parameters Results
Colour Dark Brown
Texture Smooth
Taste Acrid
Weight of dried plant (g) 900
Weight of plant extract (g) 76.8
Percentage yield (%) 8.53
Table 2 Qualitative phytochemical constituents of ethanol flower
extract of B. spectabilis.
Phytochemical Constituents Observation
Alkaloids +
Anthraquinones +
Carbohydrates +
Cardiac glycosides +
Flavonoids +
Saponins +
Terpenoids +
Tannins -
+ = detected, - = not detected
Table 3 Oral acute toxicity of ethanol flower extract of B.
Observation of death within 24
Phase I 10 0/2
100 0/2
1000 0/2
Phase II 1600 0/2
2900 0/2
5000 0/2
>5000 mg/kg b.w
Value were expressed in Mean±SEM, n=5, Key: A= Blood
glucose level after 24 hours of fasting, B= Blood glucose 72
hours after alloxan administration, CT = Control, DC= diabetic
control, LD= low dose, MD= moderate dose, HD = high dose,
BS=Bougainvillea spectabilis, One way ANOVA, *= p<0.05
(significant compared with DC), β = p<0.05 (significant com-
pared with insulin
The findings from this study revealed the presence of some phy-
tochemicals that are associated with antioxidant and antidiabetic
effects. Studies have shown that polyphenolic compounds such
Fave et al.: International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2021;13(1):009-015
Table 4 Scavenging activity of the various fraction of ethanol flower extract of B. Spectabilis
DPPH-radical scavenging Activity (%)
(µg/mL)Samples6.25 µg/mL 12.5 µg/mL 25 µg/mL 50 µg/mL 100 µg/mL
0.0 0.0 0.0 22.6 98.3 60.8
0.0 0.0 66.5 90.1 90.5 43.8
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.8 159.3
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.2 329.8
57.5 82.6 83.8 86.2 84.5 41.0
Table 5 Hypoglycaemic Effect of the ethanol flower extract of B. spectabilis on glucose levels in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Groups Doses A (mg/dl) B (mg/dl)
Glucose level after treatment Mean±SEM
1 hr 3 hr 6 hr 24 hr 48 hr
NC 2 mL/kg 109.2±3.8 112.6±2.1 112.8±2.1 108.2±3.2 111.0±2.8 107.0±2.9 111.4±2.1
DC 2 mL/kg 108.6±5.6 485.4±22.6 520.0±20.5 538.4±14.6 531.0±13.9 557.2±12.8 580.0±6.1
Insulin 0.75 IU/kg) 111.6±3.0 395.8±74.6 165.4±71.5 116.0±40.0 179.6±32.3 262.8±22.2 384.6±35.2
BSLD 100m g/kg 121.2±8.2 382.6±51.2 469.8±78.8
293.4±44.6* 519.8±31.9
BSMD 200m g/kg 117.6±8.8 408.2±59.0 462.0±63.1 544.2±48.0
204.6±20.4* 295.2±48.2
BSHD 400 mg/kg 99.4±22.2 407.8±57.1 502.2±43.8 457.8±23.3 369.0±34.2 202.0±16.5* 425.6±46.0
flavonoid, tannins are associated with antioxidant and antidia-
betic activities in mice and rats [5] [22]. The preliminary phy-
tochemical screening of ethanol flower extract of Bougainvil-
lea spectabilis shown the presence of alkaloids, anthraquinones,
flavonoids, saponin, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids and carbo-
hydrates while tannins was found to be absent. Similarly, the
study of Zahidul [23] reported the presence of alkaloid, re-
ducing sugars, flavonoid, saponin, phenolic compounds, tan-
nins, in the methanol flower extract of B. spectabilis but differ
with the absence of tannins in this study. Furthermore, the re-
port of Ghogar [24] indicated presence of alkaloids, flavonoids,
quinones, saponins, steroids, tannins and terpenoids from the
stem, flower and leaf extracts of B. spectabilis. Inconsistency
in presence of phytochemical of extract may result from differ-
ence in geographical area of the plant, solvent used in extrac-
tion, period and time of collection [25]. These phytochemical
constituents may be responsible for the glucose lowering effect
of the extract [26] [23].
Many phytochemicals exhibit more than one biological ac-
tivity such as antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer effects with
many other health benefits. The DPPH scavenging activity is
based on the ability of sample to donate hydrogen atom or trans-
fer electron to DPPH, thus neutralize the free radical character
and then gives rise to the reduced form of DPPH (non-radical)
with the loss of violet colour. In this study, the four fractions of
the extract (hexane, chloroform, butanol and crude), chloroform
exhibited the highest antioxidant activity with IC
43.8 as com-
pared with IC
of standard ascorbic acid (41.0 mg/mL). simi-
larly, the result of Omar [27] shown that the chloroform fraction
exhibited a high antioxidative and DPPH-radical inhibitory ac-
tivity. The hexane, butanol and the crude fractions had IC
60.8, 159.3 and 329.8 mg/mL respectively. This is contrary to
the study of Dhankar [28] which reported that the aqueous ex-
tract has potential scavenging activity followed by the chloro-
form. The DPPH radical scavenging activity increases in a dose
concentration-dependent manner from the concentrations 6.25 -
100 mg/mL.
The antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of the polyphenolic
constituents demonstrated could occur by blocking proinflam-
matory cytokines or endotoxin-mediated kinases and transcrip-
tion factors, inhibition of α-glucosidase, lipase or the formation
of nitric oxide protecting pancreatic β-cells against cytokine-
induced toxicity [29] [30] [31].
The oral acute toxicity (LD50) of the ethanol flower extract
of Bougainvillea spectabilis was found to be greater than 5000
mg/kg body weight which means that is relatively non-toxic on
acute exposure. This study is similar with the work of [17] which
Fave et al.: International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2021;13(1):009-015
reported that stepwise doses of the ethanol stem bark extract was
administered from 300 mg/kg to 5000 mg/kg orally and no con-
siderable signs of toxicity were observed.
The study also revealed that the ethanol flower extract of
Bougainvillea spectabilis showed a significant hypoglycaemic
activity at the doses of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg af-
ter 24 hours of administration (Table 5). Compared with insulin
(standard drug), there is a significant decrease in blood glucose
level than the extract at 1, 3 and 6 hours of administration. The
antidiabetic effect of ethanol flower extract is dose-dependent
considering the order of significant decrease in blood glucose
level. This is similar to the study of kumar [32] on the methanol
stem bark extract of B. spectabilis which reported that the hy-
poglycemic effect is dose- dependent with 500 mg/kg exhibited
the highest activity. This study is in contradiction [17] which
reported that the 100 mg/kg body weight exhibited the highest
Diabetes mellitus as a chronic disease remain a global health
challenge. This study revealed that the ethanol flower extract
of Bougainvillea spectabilis contained many phytochemical con-
stituents such as flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, tannins and ter-
penoids known to exhibit antioxidant and hypoglycaemic ef-
fects. Chloroform fraction of the flower extract has significant
antioxidant activity with an IC
of 43.8 %. The hypoglycaemic
activity was dose dependent as it exhibited significant activity
at the highest dose. Furthermore, the extract is fairly non-toxic
on acute exposure with the lethal dose greater than 5000 mg/kg
body weight. Bougainvillea spectabilis possess huge potentials
which can be explored further through identification and isola-
tion of the bioactive components as well as their mechanism of
Conflict of Interest
We have none to declare.
The authors are highly grateful to the staff of Pharmacology
and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Maiduguri, Borno state.
Author details
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty
of Pharmacy, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nige-
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uni-
versity of Maiduguri, FY, Maiduguri, Nigeria Tata.
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