Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical studies of Urena lobata linn


  • Rinku Mathappan Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Gautham college of Pharmacy, Sultanpalaya, Bangalore, India.
  • V. Felix Joe Department of Pharmaceutics Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education and Research, Bangalore – 560064, India
  • Prasanth V.V Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Gautham college of Pharmacy, Sultanpalaya, Bangalore, India
  • Kamalakkanan Varirappan Caplin Point Laboratories, Puducherry 605502, India.


Urena lobata Linn, Malvaceae, pharmacognostic, phytochemical analysis


In the present study was to determine the pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical analysis of Urena lobata Linn. In pharmacognostoical studies powder characteristics of leaf and stem, leaf constant and analytical parameters like ash values extractive value analysis of major elements and in preliminary phytochemical studies were carried out .All these characters were determined will help the researches in their phytochemical as well as pharmacognostical analysis of this species.


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How to Cite

Rinku Mathappan, V. Felix Joe, Prasanth V.V, Kamalakkanan Varirappan. Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical studies of Urena lobata linn. ijp [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 6];2(4):408-11. Available from:



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