Molecular genetic evaluation of Cichorium endivia L. as an anticancer agent against colorectal cancer


  • Elsayed E Hafez Department of Plant Protection and Biomolecular Diagnosis, Arid Lands Cultivation Research Institute, City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • Effat Badr Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Yasser Mabrouk Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Mohammed El-Seehy Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Sarah Aggag Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


Colorectal cancer, DMH, FU, Cichorium endivia L., PCR, DD


Medicinal plants confer protective effects against a wide range of cancers including colon cancer. Cichorium endivia L. has many biological activities and functions, such as anti-inflammation and hepatoprotective effects. This activity is mainly due to its high levels of antioxidant compounds. The effect of cichorium extract and fluorouracil (5-FU) against colorectal cancer (CRC) induced by 1, 2- Dimethyl hydrazine (DMH) was examined in male albino mice. Where, different doses of cichorium extract (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg body weight) were investigated to determine the significant effective dose against colorectal cancer using differential display-PCR (DD-PCR), DNA sequencing, histopathological and cytological techniques. The results showed that the cichorium extract dose 200 mg/kg body weight was the best one compared to the others (400 and 600 mg/kg body weight). This finding could be a powerful therapeutic against colorectal cancer.


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How to Cite

Elsayed E Hafez, Effat Badr, Yasser Mabrouk, Mohammed El-Seehy, Sarah Aggag. Molecular genetic evaluation of Cichorium endivia L. as an anticancer agent against colorectal cancer. ijp [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];8(4):551-7. Available from:



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