Effect of ethanol extracts from Shorea robusta (Dipterocapaceae) bark in paracetamol induced liver damage in rats
Shorea robosta, Hepatoprotective, Paracetamol, SilymarinAbstract
The Hepato protective Activity of the ethanol extract of Shorea robusta was investigated against paracetamol induced hepatic damage. Paracetamol at the dose of 3gm/ kg produced liver damages in rats manifested by the significant (p<0.0005) rise in the level of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, (159.3 ± 3.637; 143.1 ± 1.215; 347.6 ±15.42) compare to with respective control values (51.85 ± 1.527; 26.65 ± 1.095; 84 ± 9.824) respectively. Pre-treatment of rats with the plant extracts 200mg /kg, 400mg/kg and standard (Silymarin 50 mg/ kg) lowered significantly (p<0005) respective serum (SGOT to 92.06±2.473 & 73.97 ±; SGPT to 64.12 ± 2.27 & 45.22 ± 0; ALP to 7814; 195.8 ±13.22 & 168.00±10.16) respectively. It also shows in the reduction of cholesterol and total bilirubin respect to the paracetamol toxicity. In case of total protein paracetamol treated group decrease the total protein content, pre treatment with the plant extracts and silymarine there is an elevation of total protein contents. Histopathology of the liver cell shows less damages in the hepatic cell compare to the paracetamol treated group. On the basis of the investigation we may partially conclude that S.robusta can use to damage hepatic cell injury.
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