Experimental Comparison of Phytoremediation and Filtration Methods in the Remediation of Water Contaminated with Arsenic


  • Temitope Ayodeji Laniyan Earth Sciences Department , Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye Ogun State Nigeria/ lecturer I Lecturer IOlabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State Nigeria.
  • Akinlolu Festus Abimbola Geology Department Professor, University of Ibadan Nigeria.
  • M K.C Sridhar Environmental Health Department University of Ibadan, Public Health Department Nigeria.


Water Hyacinth, Arsenic, Absorption, Contamination, Phytoremediation, Filtrates


An experimental work was done on waters contaminated with arsenic using filtration and phytoremediation methods to determine the most appropriate remediation method. Filtration method; Measurements of arsenic solution (0.00g (de-ionized water), 0.010g, 0.020g, 0.050g, and 0.0100g) was made by a 10litre pipette into an hundred milliliter bottle (100ml) containing warm de-ionized water and each was made to pass through four different geo-materials (marble, activated charcoal, filtration carbon and clay) placed on layers of sand in glass filtration tanks ; while Phytoremediation method was done by cultivation of various ages of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crasspipes Mart. Solms) in arsenic acid solution of equal concentration (100.0 mg/L); an experiment based on duration and maturity which was to ascertain the exact hour, (0hour, 2hours, 12hours, 24hours, 48hours, 120hours) water hyacinth will absorb a metal, and at what matured level (sprouting, flowering, matured) the plant can absorb best. Plants were harvested, dried, pulverized and analysed for metal content using inductively coupled-ion chromatography and filtrates analysed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Arsenic concentration in filtrates showed no arsenic loss, indicating poor absorption capacity of the geo-materials. Highest arsenic bio-accumulation was found at 100 mg/l in matured water hyacinth. Remediation of arsenic using water hyacinth proved to be a better method for arsenic removal compared to filtration.


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How to Cite

Temitope Ayodeji Laniyan, Akinlolu Festus Abimbola, M K.C Sridhar. Experimental Comparison of Phytoremediation and Filtration Methods in the Remediation of Water Contaminated with Arsenic. ijp [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];7(1):8-17. Available from: https://ijp.arjournals.org/index.php/ijp/article/view/381



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