Determination, identification of bioactive compounds extracts from yellow banana peels and used in vitro as antimicrobial
Banana peels, Total phenolic, Flavonoids, GC-MS Chromatography, antimicrobialAbstract
In this study, bioactive compounds of six solvent different extracts, from the dry yellow banana peels were present. Methanol was the best solvent extraction .The yield extract , total phenolic content and flavonoids concentration were 1.96 g, 81.89 mg G.A./g and 55.44mg RU/g from extract . The FT-IR spectra were recorded pronounced peaks belonging to the vibration of 3361 cm-1, 1662 cm-1and 1231 cm-1 in the spectra corresponds to the characterized peaks of flavonoids. GC-Ms chromatography clearly show the presence 17 component This analysis revealed that methanolic extract contain Pyrogallol (22.24%), Cis-9-Hexadecenal (21.20%) , Pentadecanoic acid (18.81%), Benzoic acid (16.04%) , Octadecanoic acid (6.18%) and Cis-9-Hexadecenoic acid (4.40%) . 300 mg / ml concentration from methanolic extract had broad inhibitory spectrum against gram positive and negative bacteria , yeast and molds .
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