Antihyperlipidemic potential of Eugenia caryophyllus extract in Wistar rats


  • Roma Ghai KIET School of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, U.P India.
  • Kandasamy Nagarajan KIET School of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, U.P India
  • Vinay Kumar KIET School of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, U.P India.
  • Parul Grover KIET School of Pharmacy, Ghaziabad, U.P


Triton, hyperlipidemia, Atorvastatin, Eugenia caryophyllus


Objective: The present study was aimed to evaluate the antihyperlipidemic activity of the aqueous ethanolic extract of Eugenia caryophyllus in triton induced hyperlipidemia. Methods: Antihyperlipidemic activity was evaluated using Triton X 100 induced hyperlipidemia in rats as an experimental model. Hyperlipidemia was induced in rats by a single intraperitoneal (ip) injection of Triton X 100 (400 mg/kg b.w.) The aqueous ethanolic extract of Eugenia caryophyllus extract was administered at two different doses of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg for 7 days to hyperlipidemic rats. Atorvastatin was used as a reference standard. Serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and VLDL-C, atherogenic index and glucose were determined to assess the antihyperlipidemic activity. Result: It was found that the aqueous ethanolic extract of Eugenia caryophyllus at the doses of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg showed a significant decrease in the levels of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, VLDL-C, glucose and significant increase in the level of serum HDL-C. Conclusion: The current study provided a strong evidence that the Eugenia caryophyllus extracts at both the doses (200mg/kg and 400mg/kg) possess significant antihyperlipidemic activity. The dose of 400mg/kg had a higher beneficial effect and its efficacy was similar to that of Atorvastatin in treating hyperlipidemia. However, further study is needed to understand the precise mechanism.


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How to Cite

Roma Ghai, Kandasamy Nagarajan, Vinay Kumar, Parul Grover. Antihyperlipidemic potential of Eugenia caryophyllus extract in Wistar rats. ijp [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(3):412-6. Available from:



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