Toxic Effects of Sapium indicum (Willd.) Fruits on Animal Model


  • Md Sayedur Rahman AIMST University Malaysia PhD Fellow Department of Biotechnology Faculty of Applied Sciences Semeling, 08100 Bedong Kedah
  • Tahmina Monowar AIMST University Malaysia Senior Lecturer Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Semeling, 08100 Bedong Kedah


Sapium indicum (Willd.), toxic response, mice, rat, 24-hr LD50, bio-pesticide


The present study deals with toxic effects of petroleum ether (40°-60°C) and water-soluble alcoholic extracts of the fruits of Sapium indicum (Willd.) on laboratory animal model. The petroleum ether (40°-60°C) extract administered through intravenous route in mice, and through oral routes in rats exhibited toxic effects. The 24-hr LD50 value of the extract was found as 816.58 µ and 208.93 body weight in mice and rats, respectively. On the other hand, the experimental rats treated orally with the water-soluble alcoholic extract exhibited no mortality. The results revealed that the petroleum ether (40°-60°C) extract of the fruit is more toxic than organochlorine compounds having a prospect of using it as an alternative source of bio-pesticides.


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How to Cite

Md Sayedur Rahman, Tahmina Monowar. Toxic Effects of Sapium indicum (Willd.) Fruits on Animal Model. ijp [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];6(2):310-5. Available from:



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