Capparis sepiaria Linn - Pharmacognostical standardization and toxicity profile with chemical compounds identification (GC-MS)


  • P. Rajesh Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620024, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • S. Latha Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • P. Selvamani Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • V. Rajesh Kannan Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620024, Tamil Nadu, India.


C. sepiaria, Microscopical, Macroscopical standardization


The present study was intended to evaluate the various pharmacognostical procedures in the leaves of Capparis sepiaria Linn., (Capparidaceae). The various pharmacognostical parameters were carried out as per WHO guidelines procedure i.e., bitterness, fineness, microscopical sections, loss on drying, water and alcoholic extractive values, water insoluble ash, acid soluble ash, total ash, swelling index, foaming index, heavy metal analysis, phytochemical analysis and toxicity studies (acute, subacute and chronic toxicity). The study was extended with analyzing the chemical compounds identification in the EECS (ethanolic extract of Capparis sepiaria by using GC-MS. The presence of various phytoconstituents such as glycosides, reducing sugars, flavonoids, saponins, starch and terpenoids is evidenced in EECS & AECS. The results showed that acid insoluble ash (1.70%), total ash (8.68%), water soluble ash (3.42%), water extractive (31.55%), alcohol extractive (5.06%), foaming index (105.26 Unit), loss on drying (9.84%), swelling index (4.16%), acute toxicity (nil), sub-acute toxicity (nil), chronic toxicity (nil). The study was concluded with the plant has standardized as per the World Health Organization procedures. The result of the pharmacognostical standardization of this plant serves as a reference piece and helps in future identification and authentication of this plant specimen. Might be the plant C. sepiaria has potential property by the standardization and it can be included in the normal flora of the plant kingdom.


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How to Cite

P. Rajesh, S. Latha, P. Selvamani, V. Rajesh Kannan. Capparis sepiaria Linn - Pharmacognostical standardization and toxicity profile with chemical compounds identification (GC-MS). ijp [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];2(1):71-9. Available from:



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