Haberlea rhodopensis (Friv.) reduces chromosomal aberrations in whole body irradiated rabbits
chromosome aberrations, Haberlea rhodopensis, radioprotectionAbstract
Radioprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Haberlea rhodopensis have been studied by examining chromosome aberration in irradiated rabbits. Healthy adult New Zeland rabbits were injected intramuscularly (im) with 120 mg/kg body weight before and after irradiation or with double distilled water (DDW). They were exposed to whole body irradiation of 2.0 Gy gamma rays. After 24 h chromosomal aberrations were studied in the peripheral blood lymphocytes. Radiation (2.0 Gy) increased the number of aberrant cells from less than 3% in controls to almost 25%. Treatment with the total extract of Haberlea rhodopensis (HR) before and after irradiation resulted in a significant reduction in the percentage of aberrant metaphases as well as in the different types of aberration scored. Our results proved the ameliorating role of HR against radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in rabbits.Further experimental studies using different cytogenetic and molecular biomarkers are needed to clarify the exact mechanisms of radioprotective action of the HR extract
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