Evaluation of in vitro antihelmintic activity of leaves of Butea monosperma


  • Borkar V. S. S.S.D.J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar Chandwad, Dist: Nashik 423101(Maharashtra) India.
  • Gangurde H. H. S.S.D.J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar Chandwad, Dist: Nashik 423101(Maharashtra) India.
  • Gulecha V. S. S.S.D.J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar Chandwad, Dist: Nashik 423101(Maharashtra) India.
  • Bhoyar P.K. S.S.D.J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar Chandwad, Dist: Nashik 423101(Maharashtra) India
  • Mundada A.S. S.S.D.J. College of Pharmacy, Neminagar Chandwad, Dist: Nashik 423101(Maharashtra) India


Anthelmintic Activity, Butea Monosperma, Pheretima Posthuma, Ascardia Galli, Raillietina spiralis, DMF (di-methyl formamide)


The preliminary phytochemical screening was carried out on the crude extracts of the leaves of Butea Monosperma Lam along with ash values and extractive values on the powdered drug. The crude extracts were investigated for their anthelmintic activity against earthworms (Pheretima posthuma), roundworms (Ascardia galli.) and tapeworms (Raillietina spiralis). Three concentrations (25, 50 and 100 mg/mL) of each extract were studied in activity, which involved the determination of time of paralysis and time of death of the worm. Alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited significant anthelmintic activity at highest concentration of 100 mg/mL. Albendazole in same concentration as those of extracts was included as standard reference and Di-methyl formamide as control. The anthelmintic activity of alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves of Butea Monosperma has therefore been demonstrated for the first time.


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How to Cite

Borkar V. S., Gangurde H. H., Gulecha V. S., Bhoyar P.K., Mundada A.S. Evaluation of in vitro antihelmintic activity of leaves of Butea monosperma. ijp [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];2(1):31-5. Available from: https://ijp.arjournals.org/index.php/ijp/article/view/13



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